Monday, June 4, 2012

Tell me something I don't know

Ms. McMahon-
Did you know your insurance had a pre-existing condition clause?

Well, I know I have a pre-existing condition. I know I've had this insurance for 6 1/2 years.
I know this insurance has been covering this medication for these 6 1/2 years. So I suppose, through my magnificent powers of deduction I can conclude that
1) the Insurance Company (who holds the power of life and death, no big woop) knows I have a condition and
2)I SHOULD know that there is a clause that says so. In fact the Insurance Company know every medical move I make. And they never forget. So I change doctors for medication management, medication I will take for the rest of my life, medication on which my very life depends.

Ms McMahon-
Has your insurance lapsed in the past year?

No. No it has not. However, I did make the undeniable mistake of recognizing that my student insurance would run out in 2 months. Therefore, responsibly, I applied for a temporary policy to begin in August so that I would NOT lapse, causing all those lapsed insurance dilemmas .Knowing every medical move I make, I should have known that applying for a new Insurance Policy would alert the Insurance Company that they might deny me coverage AT LAST. So they turned me down, based on...well, you know.

Yes, I have a pre-existing condition. I suffer from chronic clinical depression. I take medication. I work, I have just completed graduate school in my second career choice. I love to work and be productive. I am indominable, unstoppable, tenacious. Except when I don't get my medicine.

When I don't get this prescription, I quickly begin to self destruct. I cannot control my crying. I want to die. I hate everyone and I am certain everyone hates me, and it really hurts bad. My intellect, which served me well in graduate school and in several careers, becomes my worst enemy since I can reason and rationalize all the perceived negativity I feel and convince myself of the depth of hatred toward me by everyone. The best thing that could happen is a quick suicide. The worst is a life like this, where every day is so painful, every moment is a struggle; where misery and the desire to die vs desire to be here for my family battle viciously in a brain of emotions that don't function exactly well.

But I take my medicine. I work hard at my life. I am a good wife and mother and grandmother, a dutiful daughter, an awesome employee. I am a productive member of society.

It looks like my pre-existing condition is destined to do me in, via the Insurance Company. Cause they can deny me insurance for my pre-existing condition. If I work hard I can buy my depression meds and pay my doctor without them. I just hope I don't get Cancer. Cause depression is keeping me from insuring for anything else.

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